Funding opportunity to attend IGC36th in New Delhi, India, in March 2020
Establishment of the 35th International Geological Congress (35th IGC) Legacy Fund and offer of financial support to attend the 36th IGC
Background to the 35IGC Legacy Fund
Following a directive from the IUGS concerning all International Geological Congress events, one of the goals of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the 35th International Geological Congress (35th IGC) held in Cape Town in August 2016, was to establish a Legacy Fund with surplus funds generated by the 35th IGC. The purpose of the Fund is to support student attendance of appropriate international and national congresses, as well as various legacy and research projects being undertaken by the southern African earth science community. With the surplus funds from the 35th IGC now audited and available, the 35IGC Legacy Fund has been formally established.
Funding policy
Following preliminary discussions on the establishment of the 35IGC Legacy Fund, the proposed mandate for the Fund is to provide financial assistance for inter alia,
- Student attendance of local and international earth science congresses and particularly IGCs;
- Geoheritage projects mooted or developed as a consequence of 35th IGC;
- Publication of guidebooks, textbooks or other material that will assist in the communication and education of society with regard to earth science matters;
- Geotourism initiatives preferably in partnership with government and local tourism agencies, and
- Selected research, development and innovation projects in the earth science disciplines.
Application for financial support from the 35IGC Legacy Fund to attend the 36th IGC
One of the main mandates of the Legacy Fund is the support of young southern African earth science students wishing to attend future International Geological Congresses to present the results of their research. With the planning of the 36th IGC in India well advanced the 35IGC Legacy Fund would like to provide financial support for deserving students to attend the event.
This notice therefore serves as an official invitation to full-time, post graduate students in the earth sciences, registered at South African universities, to apply to the 35IGC Legacy Fund for financial assistance to attend the 36th IGC in India in 2020. To apply for financial assistance, the following conditions will apply:
- Applicants must be registered full-time for a post graduate degree in earth sciences at a South African university in 2019 and at the time of the 36th IG Proof of University registration will be required;
- Applicants must be under the age of 35 at the time of application;
- A letter of support from the university supervisor is required;
- Financial support will cover the cost of a return air ticket to India, the conference registration fee and reasonable accommodation cost for the duration of the congress;
- Proof of submission and acceptance of a presentation or poster by the Organising Committee of the 36th IGC must be provided;
- The research results presented in the abstract should focus on aspects of African geology;
- Financial support from 36th IGC or other sources to cover travel, registration costs and accommodation is not acceptable and will result in the cancellation of the application to the 35IGC Legacy Fund. Sources of financial support to cover 36th IGC costs must be declared, and the costs covered by such funding should be stated in the application.
- In the case of a multi-author abstract the applicant must be the presenter of the paper (oral or poster) at 36th
As only limited funds are available, compliance with the above conditions does not guarantee acceptance of the application. All provisionally successful applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the Management Committee/Board of the Legacy Fund and their decision is final.
Applications must be made on the prescribed form available as an attachment to this notice and submitted to Ms Ndivhuwo Mukosi at before 31 May 2019 (deadline extended to end of June).
The following supporting documents must be submitted with each application:
- Copy of the abstract submitted to the Organising Committee of the 36th Attach proof of acceptance by Organising Committee if already available.
- Budget indicating allocation of funds requested for airfare, congress registration and accommodation.
- Supervisor support letter also stating proof of university registration, age and whether registration will continue through to 2020.
- Short CV (100 words max.)
All successful applicants will be required to provide proof of being in possession of a valid passport and visa to attend the 36th IGC in India.
N.B deadline for submissions of abstract to 36th IGC is 31 August 2019.
Other important key dates of 36th IGC are available at
Application can be found at: