The Geological Society of Africa is announcing available positions within the council

The Geological Society of Africa is announcing available positions within the council.   Post Eligibility 1 Secretary-General A  practising geoscientist who holds a position that can provide necessary administrative support to enable him to carry out his/her tasks efficiently. 2 Vice-President Central Africa A distinguished professional with a record in any field of geoscience based in Central, Africa. 3 Councillor Central Africa A professional in any field of geoscience who will assist Vice-President in promoting the activities and addressing the objectives of the Society in…

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Advertisment of AMGC Employment Opportunities 28 – December 2022

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (6 positions) AFRICAN MINERALS AND GEOSCIENCES CENTRE Link to the post The African Minerals and Geoscience Centre (AMGC) is a Pan-African Mineral Service Provider with several analytical services including Geochemical Analytical Services, Mineral Processing Services and Geo-information Services. In this context AMGC is seeking for Senior Exploration Geologist, Senior Geophysist, Senior Hydrogeologist, Junior Chemist/Geochemist, Chemical Laboratory Technician and Metallurgy and Mineral Processing Laboratory Technician.   SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION Applications should include the following documents: Application letter in English highlighting the candidate’s motivation and…

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Press Release _ AMDC Strategic Partners Retreat

The African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) held a strategic institutional Partners’ retreat on 27th and 28th July 2022, at the African Union Commission Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The strategic partners’ consultative retreat on AMDC’s theory of change was inclusive of an overview of the new AMDC’s operational metrics alongside the current and rapidly evolving minerals management and development landscape on the continent. Read more about the event and the strategic documents

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Solubility of Metals in Melt/Fluid Systems (IGC36)

Invitation to the IGC36 Prof. Hassan Helmy invites colleagues and scholars to submit their abstracts to session 28.5 “Solubility of Metals in Melt/Fluid Systems”. The session is convened by Anna Vymazalová, Hassan Helmy Session short summary: This symposium welcomes contributions that enhance our understanding of metal solubility, speciation, and transport in geologically-relevant fluids (aqueous or non-aqueous) and melts (silicate, sulfide, carbonate) in ore-forming environments. Submission is from:

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Funding opportunity to attend IGC36th in New Delhi, India, in March 2020

Establishment of the 35th International Geological Congress (35th IGC) Legacy Fund and offer of financial support to attend the 36th IGC Background to the 35IGC Legacy Fund Following a directive from the IUGS concerning all International Geological Congress events, one of the goals of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the 35th International Geological Congress (35th IGC) held in Cape Town in August 2016, was to establish a Legacy Fund with surplus funds generated by the 35th IGC. The purpose of the Fund is to…

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Hommage de la Société Géologique d’Afrique au Professeur El Hassan Sayouty de l’université Hassan II de Casablanca. Maroc

By Prof. Y. DRIOUCH, Vice President of GSAf Professeur El Hassan Sayouty a perdu la vie suite au crash de l’Avion d’Ethiopian Airlines qui le conduisait d’Addis Abeba à Nairobi pour participer, en tant que président du « Social and Environmental Leadership Task Force » du groupe de travail AMREC lié aux activités des groupes UNFC-AMREC. Cette réunion devait se tenir au cours de la 4ème session de la commission des nations unis sur l’environnement (UNEA) prévue du 11 au 15 mars 2019. Ce groupe de travail…

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National Anti-Corruption Conference

Last year, APSEA joined the Multi-Sectoral initiative Against Corruption, a platform that brings together various sectors including private sector, religious, civil society, women, youth, media, and professionals, has had deliberations within each of their sectors, with the intent of undertaking self-reflection sessions on the ills of corruption, and designing holistic strategies for addressing the same. Kenya has made significant reforms that have largely driven sustained economic growth, social development and political gains over the past decade. However, its key deterrent to the actualization of its potential is…

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Premier colloque sur la géologie des bassins sédimentaires maghrébins

Projet d’organisation d’un colloque sur la géologie des bassins maghrébins. Le Maghreb, en général, se singularise par une diversité géographique, une variété importante et une grande qualité des affleurements géologiques. Ce grand territoire est constitué à prés de 75% de sa surface de terrains sédimentaires. Les terrains sédimentaires affleurant couvrent toutes les périodes géologiques. Ce fait a généré une grande communauté des géologues spécialisés. Ce colloque “premier colloque sur la géologie des bassins sédimentaires maghrébins” que nous voulons organiser, se veut comme une halte afin…

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