Tamer Abu-Alam
Dr. Tamer Abu-Alam is an Egyptian researcher living and working in Norway at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway.
Research InterestDr. Tamer Abu-Alam is a metamorphic petrologist whose research also utilizes numerical/thermodynamic modeling (e.g. phase equilibria modeling), geochemistry, geochronology and structural geology to understand tectonic processe. His research focuses on studying the tectonic evolution of Earth lithosphere, investigation of secular change in the thermal structure of the lithosphere as recorded by metamorphism through time. His research also encompasses the coupling between metamorphism, deformation, fluid migration, fluid-rock interaction and formation of ore deposits. His research interest is extended to include building geological databases using different geographic information system programs. Between 2014 to 2018, Dr. Abu-Alam developed a GIS database for Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. PublicationsTwenty-four articles in peer-reviewed international journals, two books (or contribution book), nineteen oral presentations and invited talks, thirty-seven posters in international conferences, eight industrial and internal reports and four outreach activities. h-index: 9, citations: 223, RG score: 23.79 Dr. Abu-Alam served the GSAf as the councillor for North Africa from 2016 – 2018. In July 2018, Dr. Abu-Alam was nominated and elected as the Newsletter Editor and the Information Officer of the Geological Society of Africa. Also, he is responsible for handling the website of the society. Personal website: http://abualam.info Email: tamerabualam@yahoo.com / editor@gsafr.org |